ARYEZ: Language, Culture, and Religion

Aryezi Calendar
Aryezi Calendar
Aryezi Phonetics
Aryezi Verb Structure
Aryezi Verbs
History of Aryez: A Brief Timeline
Characteristics of Arda, It's Suns and It's Moons
Aryezi Pronouns
The Geography of Arda: Continents and Oceans

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The Aryezi calendar is a term that actually refers to two distinct calendars, both associated with Aryez. One is based on the Earth's rotation and is used in the real and micronational worlds as a time keeper. The other is a 400.05 day calendar based on a fantasy world where Aryez was supposed to be based. This article will mainly focus on the real world Calendar which is divided into 10 months of 36 days each and a 5 day extra semi month. At the momment of the writing of this article, it is the 9993rd year of the Aryezi calendar.

Calendar Based on Earth's Rotation: Introduction and Derivation

The Aryezi calendar for Earth was devised by me a couple of years ago and is currently being perfected by me. It differs from the current calendars in that it starts from a different point, and the months are not of unequal length. It should be noted that an average Earth year is 365.242199 days, so it is actually inaccurate to state that the Earth year is 365.25 days long. This inaccuracy led to the replacement of the Julian calendar by the Gregorian calendar. As Aryez keeps track of time using the sun, only purely solar calendars could have been used as models. Therefore, the Hindu, Hebrew, Islamic, and Chinese calendars were useless for me, as they ended up having either 354 or 365 days, both of which are inaccurate. Seemingly, the most accurate solar calendar used today is the Iranian calendar which is accurate to 1 day in 150,000 years as compared to the Gregorian, which is one day in 20,000 years. The Iranian calendar however accounts for this exactness through a rather complicated process that I do not yet understand; most of the time leap years are every 4 years but sometimes they are every 5, 6, or 7 years. How this is determined still eludes my brain. As it is impossible to create an exact calendar because the year is a fraction of a number, it is necessary to add extra days when these fractions add up to whole numbers. Anyhow, I rounded the year’s length to 365.2422. Using not very complex calculations, I’ve determined that if one assumes the year is 365 days, they will have 1211 extra days over a 5,000 year period, and 2422 after 10,000 years. However, if we use the Julian method of adding an extra day every 4 years, we would have 2500 extra days over a 10,000 period, 78 more days than needed. Therefore, we cannot have a leap year every four years. The question is: where to loose those 78 days? We can drop them all at once every 10,000 years, but most people would prefer something more subtle. Here is what I came up with: let us start with 2500 days; our goal is to reach 2422 days. Step one is a Gregorian invention: even though they are divisible by four, “hundred” years are no leap years unless they are divisible by 400. This eliminated 75 days over a 10,000 year period, so we’re already down to 3 days. However, to fix these 3 days, there must be an exception to this rule: years divisible by 400 and 4000 (4000, 8000) are not leap years despite being divisible by 400. Now, we’re off by 1 day. One day in 10,000 years. To fix this, I’ve added one more innovation. Despite being divisible by 400, and not divisible by 4,000, any number divisible by 10,000 will not be a leap year. This might run into a problem because 20,000 is both divisible by 4,000 and 10,000 (so are we loosing one day where we should have lost 2?), but so far I have not seen any. So I’m pretty sure this calendar is accurate to one day within 20,000 years; 20,000 years from now is a long enough time for people to fix any errors. Therefore, these are the basic rules for leap years, which is important for precision:

• Leap years every 4 years (normally)

• If the year is divisible by 100, it is not a leap year

• However, if the year is divisible by 100, and 400, it is a leap year

• In exception, a year divisible by 400, and 4000 is not a leap year

• Any number divisible by 100 and 10,000 is a leap year

Calendar Based on Earth's Rotation: How it Works

The Aryezi calendar starts on a date equal to March 21 in our calendar (spring solstice). The year 0 in this calendar is 7988 B.C. (starting March 21), so the year 10,000 in this calendar will be roughly equal to 2012 (starting March 21). I picked a rather random date, near the dawn of civilization, and so in a way that the year 2012 would equal 10,000. 2012 is seen by Aryezin as the date of some great happening. The Aryezi calendar is divided into 10 months of 36 days each, with a 5 day period between the last and first month, to make a year 365 days. Leap years are added (as prescribed above) to the end of the 5 day periods (therefore, sometimes these periods are 6 days). The following are the months, their names (months in Aryez have no names, they are numbered), and their equivalent in Gregorian dates:

• Mes I: March 21- April 25

• Mes II: April 26- May 31

• Mes III: June 1- July 6

• Mes IV: July 7- August 11

• Mes V: August 12- September 16

• Mes VI: September 17- October 22

• Mes VII: October 23- November 27

• Mes VIII: November 28- January 2

• Mes IX: January 3- February 7

• Mes X: February 8- March 15

• Īsmes: March 16- March 20

The Aryezin have no concept of the week, although they follow 9 day cycles (4 per month). Today’s date is May 17, 2004. In the Aryezi calendar, this is equal to 9992:2:22, which means the 22nd day of the 2nd month of the 9992nd year. My 15th birthday, which was on March 16, 2004, is equal to 9991:M: 1.

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