ARYEZ: Language, Culture, and Religion

Characteristics of Arda, It's Suns and It's Moons
Aryezi Calendar
Aryezi Phonetics
Aryezi Verb Structure
Aryezi Verbs
History of Aryez: A Brief Timeline
Characteristics of Arda, It's Suns and It's Moons
Aryezi Pronouns
The Geography of Arda: Continents and Oceans

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Characteristics of Arda/Akva

Name of Star System: Altair (16.5 Light Years from the Earth)

Number of Stars: 2

·        Anor1: Yellow, Sun Sized Star around which all the planets orbit (Type F, temperature 10,000 K)

·        Anor2 Red star (type M, temperature 3,000K) smaller than the sun, it orbits Anor1 at a distance of a billion kilometers (far enough for as to not effect any of the planets) every 1.5 millon years; it aligns with Arda every 1.002 years (causing no night once a year).

Number of Planets: 12

Rank of Arda: 5th planet from Anor1 (no planets orbit Anor2)

Arda (Aryezi: Arta)

Diameter: 50,000 km. (37,282 miles)

Surface Area: 785,398,163.4 km squared (3-4 times that of the Earth)

Distance from Anor1: 171,000,000

Mean Orbital Velocity: 26.18 km/sec (1.664 miles/sec)

Rotation Period: 25 hours (1 Arda Day= 25 hours)

Orbital Period (length of year): 400.05 days (it takes Arda 400.05 25 hour periods to orbit Anor1); 400 Arda Days = 416.666 Earth Days (because Earth days are 24 hours)

Inclination of Orbit: 30E

·        This places the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn at 30EN and S, and the Arctic and Antarctic circles at 60EN and S (though they would be called by different names)

·        30EN- 30ES is warm (climate), 30E- 60E N and S is temperate (climate), and 60E- 90EN and S is cold (climate)

note: Eccentricity of Orbit is .025

Gravitational Acceleration: 6m/sec (3/5 that of Earth); the gravity of Arda is 3/5 the gravity of Earth; an object of the same mass weighs 3/5 on Arda than what it weights on Earth

Percentage of World Covered by Ocean: 60-80%

Composition of Atmosphere:

·        62% Nitrogen

·        29% Oxygen

·        4% Water Vapor

·        3% Carbon Dioxide

·        1% Methane

·        1% Other

Moons: 3

·        Istil1 (diameter: 10,000 km) (orbits Arda in 40 days, rotates in .8 days )

·        Istil2 (diameter: 5,000 km) (orbits Arda in 25 days, rotates in 100 days)

·        Istil3 (diameter: 2,500 km) (orbits Arda in 16 days, rotates in 40 days)

Effects of all this on Arda: Arda will have four seasons, but summer and winter at its peak will be more extreme than on Earth. Once a year (1.002 years), Arda will be between Anor1 and Anor2, having no night. This happens to be the first day of spring. As a result, spring on Arda will be drier than spring on Earth. To counter this, Fall on Arda is wetter than Earth Fall. Each season lasts a 100 days. The average summer temperature is 73 (163.4 F) degrees C at the equator, and 19 (66.2 F) at the poles. So the mean average summer temperature is 46 C (114.8 F). The average winter temperature is 12 C (53.6 F) at the equator, and -66 C (-86.8 F) at the poles. The mean average winter temperature is -27 C (-16.6 F). The yearly planetary mean temperature is 19C (66.2 F).

** to be updated soon

From the Orbital and Revolutionary Periods, the Calendar of Aryez is derived.
The Calendar of Aryez is composed of 10 months of 40 days each (each day contains 25 hours). Each month is 1/10 of the year. Interestingly, since the moon Istil1 orbits Arda in 40 days, one month also corresponds to one cycle of the moon Istil1 (this allows this calendar to be both a Lunar and Solar calendar). These is no concept of "week." The Months have no names instead they are numbered from one through ten (the Aryezi word for month is Mės). The months are therefore:
Mės I
Mės II
Mės IV
Mės V
Mės VI
Mės IX
Mės X
The days of the months are likewise numbered, so the 14th day of the 7th month would be Mės VII 14. Due to the year being 400.05 days, another day is added to the year every 20 years, at the end of the last month. The first day of "spring (season of things begining to grow)" is day one of the first month, every year.